Friday, May 6, 2011

Gaga creates a "New Jerusalem"

So for those of you who haven't seen it yet...
So I'm kind of over all of these Catholic extremists and their attacks on this video and the lyrics...I've seen words like "blasphemous" and "inflammatory" being thrown around and if you really...REALLY pay attention to the video you can clearly see that the entire thing is a metaphor for a relationship...she's in love with a man (Judas), that treats her like shit...and yes, ladies, we've ALL been there. Some groups are saying she's just doing this for attention...who gives a fuck??? clearly it's working, because she has yours. Others are saying that the religious portrayal is to make up for her mundane performance...kill yourself. I don't know if you noticed, but she killed it in the dance sequence in those 5 inch stilettos! Perfectly Executed. 


Gaga isn't dumb, nor is she trying to shy away from the video's potentially offensive concept...her lyrics read:

"In the most Biblical sense,
I am beyond repentance
Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind
But in the cultural sense
I just speak in future tense
Judas kiss me if offensed,
Or wear ear condom next time"

 Homegirl is clearly calling herself a "hooker" for fame who "vomits" (speaks) her mind...she's "beyond repentance" in the "biblical sense"...she can't be helped or saved...but in a "cultural sense," she's living and dealing with the modern modern day is what she speaks on...and finally, if you don't like what she has to say, then don't listen...well, needless to say, I love it. Who is GaGa without the controversy and the ridiculously sexified outfits? Chelsea fucking Clinton. That's who. So leave my girl alone...all you haters need someone to talk about, so let her do her thing. No one wants to talk about Chelsea.
 I'm done.


  1. Ha! You tell em! Now I need to finally watch this video lol.

  2. yes dawling....she is definitely amazing....


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